Friday, February 27, 2015

The Phnom Penh Tonle Sap and the River Cruise

The Tonle Sap, also known as “Large Fresh Water River” or "Great Lake”, is the combination of a lake and a river, shrinking and expanding with change of seasons, changing courses twice a year, makes its way throughout five provinces. It flows during the dry seasons and wets the dry and on the other hand, settles down calmly as a lake when it is full during the heavy rainy seasons. It sounds like a system designed especially for our Kingdom, a vein in us that wouldn't stop.
Fishing and Farming, these two words, all by themselves can make and nourish a life until the last breath. And, out of almost 8 billion people in the world, majority majors in these two subjects. Cambodia is no exception and the Tonle Sap is the motive.
Blessing the farmers on its twists and turns with uninterrupted productivity and prosperity in farming, it has been producing the world’s best rice. It is Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake; forever giving and never asking back.
A fish factory, it is, serving everyone here, with numerous shapes and sizes of fish, the most rare and the popular, with each of their own unique taste and glamour. I love to eat fish, most of the elders here do, too. Freshwater fish fresh from the freshwater; 'fresh' is the key word. Not fisherman but fishing-people; men and women, kids, elders, professionals, beginners;  they would wake up passionately, without waking up the Sun, grab their boats, the AMAZEBALL nets that would look like it is raining fish every time they are lifted up. It sometimes looks as if the fish came to play with the playful nets and they love it so much that they forget to return home and get caught in the end.
It is river cruising, the authorities don't think it would be fun jumping off the boat into the river, I personally would, if we're on the sea, but(a big but) into a river, tempting!

Jumping into the river? I know you are already into, in your heads.
What about a slide? What if I get a slide installed and we slide into the river, with few truck-tires drifting along the boat, waiting for us to hold onto and drift along if we wish to, you guys may have to make the sailor happy though. With the sailor in our side, we could literally turn the Tonle Sap into the Tone Sap River Park.
I would like to divide the day into three shifts of fun.

Shift One: A glass of cold milk with honey for me and a cup of latte to follow up, bacon with egg or just omelet; I guess, and serve them fish in the river some breakfast too and fish and broaden our patience.
Shift Two: Pineapples juice or Lime Mojito depends on how the weather is, Western is what I would have, a solid Hawaiian pizza and do not forget Tabasco sauce, would definitely make my tummy raise up the board that says '10 out 10' on it. 
Let's talk about the worst scenario that could happen, it's the fact that I get emotional whenever I miss my old Chinese school too much, despite all the memories that were placed nicely in my BIG FAT BRAIN, chives cake would work the best at this point of time, I'll just go and grab some then. Too early for the street food vendors to come out, probably later I'll need some corns or lotus seeds later at night.

Noon's hot Sun but breezy enough, a big fat nap on the deck under an umbrella or nestle in a hammock with a solid book and a never-ending-supply of lemonade; if too sweaty for some of you, then go for a slide off and drift along the boat, I will get the drinks slid to you too.
Shift Three: Let there be strobe lights, someone cue the music, burn some charcoal and meat on the barbecue grill, ping and pong or spin the bars over a Foosball and take “over-360-degree shots while watching 22 players trying to get the ball on a huge LCD screen right in front of your eyes.
Some considerations for the boat, it's been up for quite a while, let it be fueled up; the mainland has it all, it's the only reason why I'm here again finding some great foods for Mr. Timmy (it's my tummy). It's not like I'm on a diet, but simple food for the night would serve fine; Pat Thai and Tom Yum Gung, the Perfect Two. 
Off the dining table, having to walk a bit, and on the way picking up night snacks from the street food vendors, fireworks too, ohh wait! never to forget a cup of joe, probably will keep me up for some time, and we are to depart for the last time for today.
I believe that the last will be the best, party as hard as well, will use the fireworks too, hehehehe, as if it's legal, so unfortunate, but if it was, It'll be definitely shot st thr heart of the starry sky, let the stars and moon be known of Tonle Sap exists just beneath them. I wouldn't mind dancing with everyone, only if they don't mind, several shots of mocktails, since I'm not old enough for cocktails, we'll be ending the night with the goodbyes and goodnights.

P.S. This is my mind cruising and I bet, with friends, this is epic possible.


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