Friday, July 8, 2016


I’ve been following the Brexit news for a long time, I think it might have just made it to a one year anniversary. It first started with Grexit, the “Greece Exit”, and the Brexit; later? We don’t really know, do we?

The European Union was made to unite countries around Europe, community which is the most elite, including some of the world’s biggest economy. EU’s intention has always been to unite and help find solutions for all of its members, that’s why they are operating one of the riskiest deals that have ever been made, and that’s to let everyone go around the member countries without needing Visa.

*Courtesy to the Creator

What’s next? Italeave, Finish, Czechout, Oustria, Byegium and Departugal?

Is this the domino effect we might have to go through? If this really happened, the world will be affected, let alone the EU. I wanted to bring this up not only because I’ve been catching up with it, but this is also a very shocking news; the fact that the UK is actually leaving EU is just not something you see happened everyday. It is considered shocking because no one thought it would actually happened until it did, people kind of underestimating the possibility of it happening. It was a risk, the leave gives both headaches and dopamine for the voters. The votes were 52% to 48%, the digits are pretty thrilling, but the reality is that it is not a very good digit at all. That’s like half of the voters want to stay, and the other half want to leave; so either ways, HALF of the voters won’t be that happy with the outcome, and in this case, it’s been voted to leave EU. The 48% that voted to stay are rather disappointed with the result and are now probably hesitating and not sure how things will go on from this point of time.

Most have been saying that leaving the EU will affect so many things, mainly the economic part, it will be heavily damaged and only God knows when the struggle will end. The struggle will sure happen; sooner or after, normal or bad.

Weeks after the Brexit vote was done, I think the voters who voted to leave started to realize how the exit will affect not just the country, but they themselves as well. The deal of whether the people of UK can still roam around the EU is still in the cloud, nothing has been said yet, and everyone will be eager to know what will happen. If the EU representatives decide to not let the people of UK go around the EU and live and study and work and do whatever they want and need to. With that in mind, people are very worried, because this is probably the best and most important deal among all the economy and financial related deals.

Time will tell what’s gonna happened to the UK; I, we, just hope for the best to happen.


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