Thursday, October 13, 2016


Inspiration is the main word for the many other words that I think, are related to it, and which gives more specific details to what Inspiration fully means.

I grow up very slowly, although I was exposed to the outside world much more earlier than the others, the knowledge (useless ones, rarely are there useful ones) were a lot, but I didn't know I had them inside of me until I was sort of being helped to be even more exposed to the outside world, AGAIN!

You might think, ERRR... the outside world and my childhood? how come it is related to what I'm writing about? well let's find out.

The reason why I brought up being exposed to the outside world, is because the reason why it happened was my parents, I do not blame them for that, but it was them who let it happened. They were unaware of the attention I was requesting, the things I see parents do to their kids and that I wasn't treated the same. It's hard to explain why they did not do it, in most cases, parents knew how to be affectionate and passionate about their kids and all; but in my case, my parents were beginners at that category at the period when I needed them to be professional at that. Now that they are sort of familiar with what is needed, my period of me wanting attention and affection is over. My brother was and is lucky, I was the testing platform for my parents to make sure how they convey love to my brother is way better and more effective than how they conveyed to me. I know it sounds like I'm very jealous and hate my parents very much for letting all this happened, I really WAS, not anymore now, hehehe, I might have just matured a bit.

And yeah, this is just one of the thing that happened, before we get on to me explaining the story about inspiration.

I wasn't mature enough to idolize a person, or even try to admire someone who's done great things. Until I was in my 11, I did not know what an idol is, what an inspiration is, and especially, how a person or any kind of living or non-living thing that are inspirational that can inspire a fellow human being to become someone better or do something better than the inspiration itself.

Inspiration is a very powerful THING, it can be considered as something that exists in reality, and also can be considered as just a mental kind of thing, like an imagination, more like a mindset. To idolize, to admire, to get inspired by someone or something, the fact that we humans do that is just simply amazing, the fact that we always want to be better and better is one of the most important quality that separates us from ANIMALS.

I wish I started idolizing and admiring people much sooner than I did, I guess I was just too unaware
of what's happening around me, and that I was too stupid that I might have not known what FUTURE is and what THE FUTURE HOLDS. I might have not done anything that special to start giving people advices on their future and that they should start as soon as possible, but what I know is that I have achieved some goals, when I get inspired and encouraged to do so, and whenever I want to achieve something, I think of the inspiration first, when I have that in me, I'm almost certain that anything can be done.


Maa was the kind of person whom people will miss and still love even though she’s gone, the kind of person whom others, not just f...