Friday, May 6, 2016

Reality and Belief

Opinions vary around every corner of the world, from guys on streets to suited&tied-politicians, we all are able to express what we think about one certain thing. Whether it’s good or bad, rite or wrong, it doesn't really matter does it? it’s just how we think of it, and whichever way we think of things certainly cannot be penalized.

I wanted to write an article on this topic because it’s something happening everyday and no one seems to be making a fuss outta it; not saying that I will, but someone has to start the fire. Everywhere in the world, people believe in beliefs, in Gods, in spiritual things we can all say, might or might not exist. It’s all an opinion. We have to somehow reduce the overwhelming passion we have for beliefs, because it's hurting the reality and I honestly think that it has the potential to make things worse, with time. It is very okay and awesomeee to believe our choice of beliefs because we have doing that for so so long, and if it stays at this rate, it ain't going anywhere. But when things get too overwhelmed and overdone, and no one is seeing it, that's one heck of a problem.

I pay my tributes to the hardcore prayers and the ones who go to God when it's needed the most, and most of the time, things work out just fine and you can start thanking the guy who helped you outta it. I do pray as well, so so many times; before competing for something I think I deserve to win, when things get in the way and I start panicking.

People, I'm not saying a lot or very few, but they should wake up from whatever unrealistic situation they are in, and start considering another path in making their lives better and brighter. Focus on your beliefs, but I suggest you focus more on the reality. The things that are around you, are the things that will involve in your life, no matter how small it actually is, it will always make an impact on you. Focusing more on reality makes you look smarter, and nevertheless, a better person I suppose. Reality is where you'll be in forever, a place you'll never be able to leave unless Satan comes to you and tell you to say your last words. Reality is time, and time has no limitations, we can go visit Satan when we are just 18 or we can go on to be the healthiest/oldest people on Earth; no one really knows what will happen, I doubt God too, won't be able to give you an exact time of your lifespan.

I’m no expert in either the REALITY field or the BELIEFS field, I’m just expressing my thoughts on how I’m seeing things as a teenager living in a country, I can say, is flooded with religious related. I feel bad for those who are too obsessed with their beliefs and not realizing that they are actually living in the reality, not in their dreams or their fantasy world.

Once again, I think God has been with me most of the time, helping out here and there pretty often, and I sincerely thank it/he/her for everything. But I’m sure that's not what Gods want from us, I believe that they leave us alone sometimes and not helping us because they want us to be independent, and only depend on them when things are too much and that's when they’ll come in and help.

The existence of Gods are always questionable and will be a infinite debating topic. Not reality though, reality is there, rite in da face; no questions asked!

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