Friday, April 24, 2015

Koh Rong Samloem: Revisited

I'll take you through track by track, folks, welcome to this crazy amazing world we live in. Gonna start off with the sleepover night at my fellow teacher’s lil dwelling with no kitchen but a “how-nice-to-have-a-verandah-the-size-of-a-kitchen” verandah; we dug the night deep until 3, worked the KFC out of it and published my Cheng Meng Article, the Coffee Goat Gods made sure I was up like a meerkat.

Gave an unusual high five to the 5 am alarm and cut the red ribbon to the grand opening of "The Second Non-Parents-Hongyy Trip", no disrespect to mom and dad though; I was really thankful.

A job well planned is a job half done, that’s what legend said and that’s what we did. We had it all planned and spent and packed, from the number of eggs we needed to the alcohol for cuts to the plastic bags for throw-ups. The team was going to run the show on sheer pocket money and so, we had to tie every cent to a nail. TukTuk-ed to the minivan stop, no appetite for a regular BF and so drained off a boxed pineapple juice. VIP Minivan my BASS, couldn't even drool more than I did. We drove off on time and reached the famous spot midway where the Sincere-s offer prayers to almighty and so I did, unlike last time. 

I've been here with my family the day before yesterday, and now again, either I'm lucky or it's just my love for the ocean, being tanned and untanned in a small period of time, I told you long time back that I have an.alien immune system, right? hehehe, just follow me a bit and you folks might find me as a visual friend, HOPE-FULLY. Not all 100% about the beach quality, the accommodation, the foods, I have never thought so; family and friends, just talking about the fat old lady that sells MI CHA would make mom's day, no offense to her and a big respect both to her and her awesome noodles.

Felt like the rush hour and I didn't like it, but we didn't run, so it's okayy; the van made it to the traveling agency, where they announced the super light-speed speedboat will depart in like 50 mins, which was spotted on hot noon. 50 mins of unbelievable marathon running and motordub riding (motorbike taxi), I didn't want to get into details, but later realized I should, this part is too hilarious to not be mentioned.

No eggs and bread means no breakfast, and it's never good to starve someone like me, especially on a trip, we have to split ways, some went to find food, Big Easy, recommended by TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet, it must be niiice, but who knows, let's see in the later parts; three of the guys went with me on a quest to find the ultimate eggs, which was extremely rare in Sihanouk Ville, where there's no farm at all, and bread too, I didn’t see no bakery on the way, but fortunately, we saw bread, sort of emptied the section as well. "Glory Glory Manchester United, Glory Glory Manchester United", the line that kept repeating in my mind the moment I saw Fergy’s picture on the cover, treasure found, Sir Alex Ferguson, my glorious old mate, grey messy hair, chew gums, this book I swear to god I'll finish it in one day, and of course, will be included in My Books. We can't still deny the fact that egg was missing, I and my fellow teacher has to go to the Oceania Lucky Supermarket, and with the luck of the supermarket, we got the three stacks of eggs we needed, breakfast to be well served.

Time's up, on board please, on board please, aye aye captain; gotta tuktuk down the steep hill towards the dock, but the super light-speed speedboat didn't look good at all, it was tiny, no more AMAZEBALL compass, no more sitting next to the cross legged captain that was funny, but oh well, fun is on the way. Half way to the island, luckily got called to come up and sit with the captain, with the awesome view plus the niiice refreshing air, I was already feeling the paradise-ness, I knew it was nearby, you folks waitoooo.
We got docked, I thought of something like a golf cart would come pick us up and our heavyweight champions (the packages and luggage), but it turned out to be an old rusty hand-pulled trolley which coconut-vendors here in Cambodia use, but that's very understandable, we're on an island. The journey to the bungalows took us around 20 minute walk, Leng Meng Bungalow, the moment I saw the bungalows, few words popped up in comic-book dialogue balloons, oh myyyy!... this is AMAZEBALL, whaaaadaaa!....there were two beds covered with white bed sheets, got four big guys to fit in, good luck! Right then, we unleashed our humongous backpacks, spreading all the accessories that were needed for the time.
My first Amazing-Race kinda job was to hang-up my banner, banner, who knows if the cats on the beach drag in a blogger or a writer to stop by and check and inquire or suggest, that will be highly appreciated.
I, oh wait, I meant we, we all had forgotten out of the salty-water spell that we hadn't had lunch by then; well, we came to our senses when our tummies growled and howled with slogans: bay cha (fried rice), mi cha (fried noodle, but not as good as the ones from the old lady downtown), there were curry too; these were later served to utmost maximum satisfaction to all the taste buds, bravoo! *claps*. 

Chop Chop, girls hurried and cleaned, we all chameleoned (changed) into our color-FULL beachwear, shouted YOLO (not literally) and dashed towards the water as fast as possible. This is my kind of beach, it surely is un-tapped, tiny crab holes of tiny crabs all over the beach and lil fish swimming around, some looked like slithering on the sand, literally. It was proven with no sweat, I was paradise-ness zoned, get-real-mission started. After having gone through all the debate to bring over a GoPro, now, here, today, I had it there, in my hand, had to give it a run, so we swam to one fishing boat docked close by; I've gained some weight since the last trip, I know that, that's why I had an incredibly hard time climbing on to the boat by the ladder itself, but I just had to force myself a bit more until I got scratched. And it's been 15 minutes since we had been here (imagine what'll happen the next day, only the Island God knows!) you gotta try canon-balling off a boat, just the perfect height for everyone, anyone could have made a movie out of that, in my case, I call it the very-worth-it-canon-balling.

Later, my friends and all went for a walk by the beach while I was enjoying my I'm-so-tired microsleep. To be honest with you folks, if I drool, it's been proven by many scientists including myself and my parents that the sleep, with no doubts, was PERFECTOO. They came back and woke me up with a cup of hot marshmallow-choco drink, Grand! And, grand-er than that was the fact that I smelled food. If there's food, I feel it, and there surely was, bungalow-cooked by my mates; noodle soup with potatoes plus carrots plus mushrooms; not to neglect the fire we all started, all hail the lord of fire, we prayed so he will grant us enough heat to burn those nice-looking potatoes, and he really was generous, I got to eat my first charcoal-roasted-potato-on-the-sand, it was extremely niice that I had to ask for one more.

Since not having a walk with friends kept on bugging me all the time, I decided to have a walk after the fire. It surely was dark, got to grab one of my fellow teachers to trail with me. Sincerely, it was the quest to find more food that motivated the walk, since I am literally hungry all the time. The first knock didn’t open up with any signs of food; you would have pitied hongyy if you were there; I was in my under vest and shorts with a scarf tied on my forehead like Tupac but the other way around. The motivation was high and so we kept knocking every table we passed by and lottery! Almost half way back towards the bungalow, oasis of the night, found;  they made special consideration because first, we looked hungry, and we were, and second, my fellow teacher pulled off his “you-are-the-best-give-us-what-I-want- technique”. And, Captain Sparrow agreed to serve us bycha, the fried rice accompanied by lime soda, my tonic.

Another long walk from the bed to the action zone, looking towards a killer day. The Island does drain a bit of energy, they cut power off by midnight as a must-protocol, luckily I got knocked out at 11:56, pretty sure about the time, I remember nothing afterwards. Yesterday evening’s nap had "waking up with marshmallow-choco drink" while last nite’s sleep had “waking up with mosquito bites”, I have been literally raped, by what? Mosquitoes!

The eggs and the bread fed us well, the rush for the action was in the air and everyone felt it to the hair on the skin, it's National Hongyy Snorkeling Day, let’s kiss our mother-fun and explode.

The sea, the beach, anything that is describable, to be precise, I am giving them lesser space in this article, I want to try and make you folks feel the real-ness of this article.

If you remember the boat we cannon-balled off, yesterday, what a coincidence, we are riding the same for the day. He did red-flag us for the intrusion, last evening; we boarded the pearl after the captain untagged us, we have rented it for the day. Without the need of The Compass, he chose a spectacular spot brought us to a crazy combination of longitude and latitude.

James Bond-ed myself, jumped off the boat, pulled the trigger, the bullet bounced back off a sea urchin and hit me. Yes M, I stepped on a sea urchin (“dhan dhadhan dhadhhannn dhadhhannnn…” aka James Bond Theme in the background).

Sea urchin my bass! A sea urchin shouldn’t sink my YOLO spirit and so, I continued (for a bit…. what! it did sting like crazy, just don’t wanna detail that part). I came in peace, that’s what I wanted to say but who poked who, I aint sure; hope the urchin shares my YOLO spirit.

Coral reefs, Khmers pronounce it as Rock-Flower, which really does fit; this amazing Koh Rorng Samloem, home to color-FULL coral reefs, it was a pleasant and AMAZEBALL view, excitement and amazement hitting me in turns. 
Later on, we started canon-balling and it helped keep the "stepped-on-sea-urchin" thought at bay, it really took off. I struggled moving around, but sacrifices must be invented; deal or be dealt.

I lead the team down under for one more time, veteran I am, since I wore the been-here done-that badge, it’s most-def-wonder underneath this thin piece of glass, fish wandering around, Nemo was there too, it’s like visiting an old fren’s house, they have been in our so called aquariums since time immemorial. 

We were to have two sessions and the first session was taken over by a grand lunch. The table served me with baguette and fried fish caught from the deeper sector of the pool, we had it in our snorkeling trip contract, a free lunch; and indeed our trip planner nailed this part.

There is a way if there is will; for my lime tonic, willpower comes up anytime! All hail the King of Refreshments and the King of Drooling, I woke up so rejuvenated as if Mr. IceCube ran me through the Bible. The bell rang and so the next bout began.

The Sun did heat up high but our captain sailed and docked at the right spot at the right time; the heat was nowhere to be felt, humidity neither, big credits to him, if not, a week after the trip, we would be peeling our skins off like snakes.

A boulder-full micro-beach, we stopped by, but what was weird was that there were monkeys; I was like, "How on earth are monkeys living on an island in the middle of the sea; like how…. someone explain to me something please?", I had to ask this because I'd never thought monkeys would live on an island, bravooo! They sort of were shouting at us, what do we do? We shouted back at them, I meant by making the "KAK...KAK" sound, this place is sure weird, and we added on by shouting back at them monkeys.
Sea Urchin Alert!

I see more of them this time than in the morning; life jacket on so I stay afloat and away from the spiky colony; they might be sarcastically laughing at me though!

MAGNIFICENTOO is how I'll describe this spot, much bigger corals means many more fish means more colors, it's obvious, it's bigger home-sweet-bigger home, using the sea urchins as their "Great Wall of China", very effective indeed, couldn't dare crossover, the sea urchins must have seen me running away in Usian Bolt mode; I would put my tail up, signal SOS, turn and Bolt towards another black spot which I learned is the classic sign of corals.

I did get demoted to co-leader after being attacked by our mighty enemies, and I did feel safer, and we continued to eye for more black spots, I call this sector, Downtown Coral Reef, plenty of spots here.

I swam to the shore parked with big boulders, since they call it (Koh Rorng Samloem) untouched, I guess no one could; it really felt like climbing a micro Mt. Everest, FYI, I've never climbed a real mountain before, will of course try someday.

I sort of felt it coming, I swear to God, I knew something was on its way, yeah right... the crook-y and slimy-y and steep-y boulders gave me a “five-stitches-to-be” cut; I took it as a farewell gift from Downtown. It did look as if I had a small lake on my right foot sole. Two days after is my Soccer Sunday, gotta tape it up with some passion.

Took a kangaroo-walk, inspired by the captain (in jeans) and his deckhand (the kid), I managed to spot some whelks, the captain had a bucket tied to his wrist with a string, dragging behind him, all I saw was him picking and throwing, again and again, he said it takes two days to clean it up and so, I gave up the thought of eating it right away. I followed and fooled around until he was satisfied with his bucket and we swam back to the boat. The others were enjoying a chat/photo session on the boat.

A long/urchin/snorkeling/monkey/whelks day has passed by, and a bit of beach volleyball before our grand supper won't have hurt nobody, it was my first time, did impress myself. Lovely supper awaits me, fried seafood curry, it was too much, too good to not eat it all, plus lime soda, as usual, it was classic fine dining.
Lord of Pain bobbed up right on my right foot sole, the lake-like cut and the three urchin-spikes forming an illuminati-like shape, these injuries are insanely weird; I had no choice but to try and take it off, it was the bloody-hell kind of a pain, yes folks, I cried, we humans don't cry when bullets strike; instead, we tend to cry for stupid reasons, like I did. The supper AKA dinner earlier was too early to have had, we realized we shouldn't have done that, now what? We’re hungry again; chef hongyy to the rescue after the wear and tear with the injuries, been waiting for this opportunity for ages, now it has arrived; I got the leftover ingredients list in my hand: salt, corn, butter, eggs. Two summer breaks ago I learnt to cook proper, mom said I got some niiice cooking skills, it shall be revealed tonite.

"Chef Hongyy Cooking Class" starts. 

Step1: Boil the corn (please do uproot the silk), Step2: get corn off the cob, Step3: Add on two priceless unused eggs, Step4: Put in a teaspoonful of salt (we ain't got no sugar or seasonings), Step5: Stir it as if you're the Tornado God stirring the entire earth surface, Step6: Shout out "It's ready".

All of us cramped around the campfire, started tearing up the marshmallow packets humming along with the marshmallows, "Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk", we all knew what's inside, a classic all-time Bonfire fun-remedy , but no proper sticks were to be found except the fishing spear used by the locals there, we got three of them, aha! we were that serious about making the night with them marshmallows; the puffiness, the sweetness, and the smell of the burn we got after roasting it in the fast and furious fire annexed it with PERFECTO-ness, no wonder it all got extinct in like 5 minutes.

The most predicted fatigue hit me off the park right after I got back to the bungalow; fortunately, the only work left for me to do was to pick some superbly niiice photos and enjoy the videos I took, ahhhh... *thumbs up*. 

I've agreed with myself to not get molested by them mosquitoes again, so, net widely spread, lit up the strong jasmine repellent; shouted out loud: you ain't getting anywhere around me tonite; I'll call it a day, lights will be off in 2 minutes, see ya folks tomorrow. 

A part of my crew had to head back home, I guess their parents aren't just like mine, my parents are still on their business trips, had no choice but to holiday until then, my two teachers stayed back though, they must be enjoying it; my fellow teacher and I were late-birders; besides, waking up late is very understandable when you're on a trip, no rush hour, gotta chillax. 
Joining them for their last repast as a farewell party, we, including me were to stroll to the dock and see them off, well, only if I didn't have the three spines here and there, plus the mighty gash; what I ended doing were to play soccer on phone on the bed and did read a bit.

The Room got cleaned, got rid of all the sand, it was everywhere; it was time for the what-to-do-today discussion; who wants to kayak for three hours in the afternoon in the middle of the sea, tanned-ness has its limits, we have had enough of it, so I voted for fishing; the fish we get will be served with dinner as the prize, I could test my patience too.

Most uncensored fishing ever! I got to see crazy species of fish and yes, slimy piece of rock which I have no idea how it was caught, but my fellow teacher did catch one of that, hands of applause please, how profitable, it wasn't that expensive, you get to experience this much.

I was aiming to catch bigger fish than I did the last time, and so the demand for the pro-fishing rods, my teacher was generous enough to walk the entire beach, approximately 3km back and forth to ask each and every restaurant and every agency for fishing trip with professional fishing rods, but came back empty-handed, it was either doing nothing or fishing with bottle, so, well, let's catch some Nemo and deep-fry them.

God, you planned this for me? Why is this boat trolling us everywhere, from the canon-balling-without-permission-intellectual property-theft case to "Sea Urchin Attacked" snorkeling and now fishing; and it's the same guy again, OMCG, Oh My Coincidence God. So here we go again, to the fishing spot, sailor made a huge mistake taking us to where humongous waves were, no good to us sea-sickers. After checking two more spots, we landed on one which was just right beside the rocks lined-off the shore, had acceptable waves. Strings rolled up on soda bottles were quite funny and simple and creative to us, and we have got varieties; Pepsi, Coke, Sprite, please select one, as if each one has got different superpowers, hehehe; Fishing Lord Hongyy selected his Sprite fishing bottle.

The race has just started, there is only one way to finish this race, win it; but I will only end up losing big time to the boater. While I was figuring out how to hook the bait and cast it into the water and guide the line, he pulled up two, freakin’ two (very silly) fish in like 5 minutes. This pirate has got skills.

I salute the rodman.

It feels like the sixth sense is activated at this crack of time; feel the line echoing in between the fingers? Go for it, chances are either the bait is spent or the prize has been hooked, 50/50, not too bad to say it's a tug of war of patience worth playing.

The Boater raised the score bar and my jaws dropped straight on the deck, a Lion fish appeared out of blue, I couldn't take the embarrassment, I was like, how, Jack? How? And he was not done nailing me and clamped a crab, a very mysterious one, with claws like wings; probably it's called Angel Crab, maybe. On the other hand, there was my fellow teacher showing his D Grade skills, making me proud in front of the boater, great catch, dude, really…really! A job well done, he caught a slimy weird shaped rock, which anyone on the boat had no idea how he hooked it, he won’t get any fish whatsoever though, he had that face of having bribed the sea for a good catch but didn't fill the pockets. Final result, I caught three and the boater got more.

Chopping off the head of a big plastic water bottle, the Angel Crab fitted in well, but looked lonesome, so I went to the shore and grabbed one, more casual crab; I told you folks earlier, everything here is untouched, which means you if you go to the shore for a crab, you get one.
As it was mentioned earlier, the fish we caught, honestly, the boater did the most, would be served with local salad and which later would all be consumed improperly by my fellow teacher, so much that the cat there would be confused where to start, , he said as he messed them up, "now that's real fish"…didn’t ask for clarification.
The Great Lion Fish was omitted from the menu for the fact that it was a super duper expensive collectable, and I bet he sold it to a local aquarium nearby, good for him.
Chopping off the head of a big plastic water bottle in the name of recycling, the Angel Crab fit in nice but looked tired and lonesome, so I went to the shore and grabbed one, a more casual crab. The selfishness of my age made the Angel Crab live little shorter than expected, if cooked and served, would have been fine, but it was unintentionally and unknowingly wasted, I could've spared him. It died rite after the supper.

 “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."

Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, I was reading as I was on it, the trip. 

Let more casual crabs be the blue jays, and the Angel Crab shall be the mockingbird; lesson learnt.

As it was mentioned earlier, the fish we caught, honestly, the boater did the most, would be served with local salad and which later would all be consumed improperly by my fellow teacher, so much that the cat there would be confused where to start, , he said as he messed them up, "now that's real fish"…didn’t ask for clarification.

I did imagine hongyy using his drastically proud cooking skills against these innocent looking fish, if I had the chance, their sizes wouldn’t have been a worry, let's say I would make a bowl of Tom Yum out of them or just have served casually by grilling them all with big grains of salt all over, how wonder-FULL would that have been.

The result of precious time you've given towards fishing, multiplied by the patience you burn equals to the fish I'll be eating, that I've caught, with the fishing line moored to a plastic Sprite bottle,  now, how kool is that? My fellow teacher told me fishing is an art, I guess, I'll be agreeing on that perhaps in the next twenty years or so but the note here is the scenes that had happened one after another, interlinked, all made in just a short period of time during an evening, these scenes made this flick very worth watching even from the front row. And these will be kept as long as they last; Koh Rorng Samloem surely has the recipe towards realness and how to meet the nature, one of the best ways we could have to escape from whatever we call a busy life and actually breathe and feel the skin.
I had to take a foto with him, the captain who took us, three idiots along that knows not even a comma about fishing, the chef that barbecued the fish, of course, except the Almighty, expensive, Lion Fish, the man that seems very happy and complete with just his kid and the boat; tagging along life seems so simple for him, to me; hanging out with nature, living the life which most city folks pay and plan for every holiday. I wonder how he would be looking at us, I don't know, perhaps, he might be wishing of living our lifestyle in exchange of his; the grass is greener on the other side, I guess, this thought gets on almost everyone.

Every jiffy of this holiday, I have dug, but never that much as this piece; the calmness and pureness, God setting the Sun, fish getting outta their  Great-Wall-of-China shelter to grab supper for the day; this particular piece of spirit gave me Goosebumps, I would not have ever even thought this part of the trip would hit platinum but I was outtauniversed; not a pinch of luxury, ain't got a bit of crowd, this jiffy has been skimmed to the best. It is taking me right into the cover of The Alchemist; you gotta be here only at this wink and you will be jaw-dropped and mouth-watered, none the less a satisfaction with no expiry date guaranteed.
I sort of felt a bit of homesick, it was too perfect for me, any human would fit in; coming off the boat, I was already missing the boater, coming off the shore, I was already missing the sea; my respected lad, da Vinci said, "Every now and then, go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work, your judgment will be surer", so what do you say folks? Shall we or shall we not holiday?

A survival must mosquito repellent coil lit up the last night on the island, re-scotch taped the deep-blue cut, it looked uglier and more sarcastic; I mario-browsed through the fotos and vids and made a billboard playlist out of it, had a board meeting with my fellow teacher about the next project and Siem Reap won the lottery.

And we came to the expectations, what we thought and what had happened until that night. Sea urchin and the deep-blue cut weren't on the itinerary on paper. The itinerary on paper had beach soccer and trekking but they got rubbed off by the sand and the water on the island. But in so many ways, the bag we got to fill in with excitement and fun was getting full; that was tremendously satisfactory.

Oprah had to go sooner as I started to snooze and drool my eyeballs out, lights off, SOS-M (Save Our Soul from Mosquitoes)Net down, a declaration to end the night, the last night on the island.

We humans can't just wake up and shout out ALOHA feeling all psyched and hyped in the morning, that's the whitest lie ever, but of course, no mosquito bites and a healthy plate full of good looking meal to Break the Fast would do, now that defines refreshing.
The feelzZ typhooned in without notice, I wasn't ready to leave yet, the love for Koh Rohng shall be eternalized in my BIG FAT BRAIN, it has given more than anyone could've expected, pricelessly unchangeable time. The farewell, we took off our banner from the front porch of the bungalow, but got reposted up at the restaurant, I felt very grateful, the acknowledgement that the banner will be there as long as the caterer likes it, and not deciding to use it to fix a leaking rooftop; the fact that it was possible to keep the poster of my website up there in my absence is awesomeeee. Koh Rong Samloem definitely is home.

"I want to bestow upon you a gift, kiddo," I said, I entitled him "The Owner of the Ball", his wish granted I guess. Due to the encounter with the Master Sea Urchin, beach soccer plan got washed away, I couldn't even walk proper.  Both the ball and me were very disappointed. But we made it up by letting the kid have the ball so he could make the beach soccer plan a reality. It felt definite good giving the kid the soccer ball.

We also respectfully gave away our leftover eggs and potatoes and taken humbly by the caterer, indeed a niiice guy, along the days we've somehow become friends, they later helped with our baggages up until to the dock, departure time is coming close; it was a highly appreciated farewell.

Choice of seat, open back row, the light-speed speedboat was even smaller this time, but it had nothing to do with me dozing off right away after getting on it; the whole ride got blanked.

Getting off the dock, running back and forth just like the first day, Big Easy served us niiice food again, simple yet classic Chili Chicken, with the association with potato wedges, I was sucked in; it was the D-day, Chelsea versus Manchester United, my fellow teacher versus me, game on.

Is it the sound of the Doom? Is it Dracula who's calling out for me? (Please read it sarcastically) We, my fellow teacher and I was pronounced as The Hunter of The Almighty Dracula, right after finishing the supper, cold breeze already blowing, he must be near.
A disappointment right ON DA FACEEE, we treasure-hunted three different isolated book stores in a matter of just one hour before barging into the VIP my Bass, we came empty-handed.

Time sure flies, with its price tag and meaning, it leaves people AMAZEBALL memories. We got home, I was indeed too tired to sit on the proper dining table to eat, so I ate beside the sofa while watching tv; The Big Game was on the way, another fellow teacher was called up for the match, he had the transportation, we were going to go to a sports bar, which technically is legal according to dad.
*Disclaimer: This only foto is not taken by me but downloaded from the MANU fb page.

So, I shall be your commentator for this heated classico, let's start with De Gea's embarrassing celebration from Rooney's near miss goal, it looked like it went in, I was on my feet, and nearly hit my lemon soda glass I had, whoshh, it sure is heating up; Hazard the Harzardous scored a De-Gea-could-keep-it-away-goal at the 44th minutes, which unfortunately was successful due to De gea messing-up-in-big-game-ness, we lost. I knew right after halftime, BRO MOURINHO had parked the Chelsea bus, even Drogba was defending, we ain't got nowhere to go; game bet void, else I would had to put up the Chelsea logo for six months on my fb profile, unbelievable.

The night after the game seemed too tired to hold any more fun and excitement and so it closed its lids down fast. The morning came up early too but we did burn it and woke up late deservingly. The team I went with, on the trip barged in for something which looked like a debriefing and spent the whole day talking, looking, talking again, watching, and talking again about the trip until my uncle honked for me.

How do I end this, I honestly wanna keep it on for this holds time worth an honest happy smile right from the heart. Can you feel it?

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