Monday, January 18, 2016

A Cup of Joe Part 2

The first “A Cup of Joe” article was uploaded more than one and a half year ago. Back then, I did not really have that much history with Joe yet. Coffee, to me, did not give me any positive impact at all. To me, I have always somehow think of it as something very unhealthy and addictive; more like a drug than just A Cup of Joe. Time, once again, flew past me like the speed of light. It felt like the first part of this article was written and uploaded yesterday, and now I’m writing the second part. Now, coffee has become a very impactful part of my daily life and the life itself.

Many people think the ones drinking coffee are the ones who are very dependent, that they can’t survive without drinking coffee, well those people are wrong. I’ve understood that people who drinks many cups of Joe everyday for work, are the ones who are working the chicken outta themselves. They dun get gud sleep, most of them all-nighters, they ain’t got time to waste. To those people, a day with 24 hours is never close enough to be being enough. If you ask them if they could, would they add more hours into a day - the answer is simple, it’s a resounding YES! I’m not saying that I’m already one of them, what I’m saying is that I think I’m turning into one of them or I would love to be one of them.

There is no sweetness or yummyness to coffee, it’s just plainly black bitter water concentrated out from some beans, nothing special at all. It’s not like coke and all, where you get addicted to the sweetness and the gas. The only thing about coffee that has been attracting most of the population to drink it, is its taste, those tiny beans are just amazeball. If you get the rite bean, you get the rite coffee. And that’s about it for the explanation of how coffee is like, very simple? That’s why people like it very much, its attitude, taste, and smell. You can’t really put an age limit on drinking coffee, if you consume the rite amount, it’s okay for everyone. As students, we all have long tight day, all coffee does is that it pushes me to go forward, to end the day as properly and niiicely as possible.

The coffee I usually drink are either Cappuccino or Americano or Mocha, honestly, they do not look appetizing at all. It has been evolving, unknowingly. From the light and sweet Mocha to the slightly sweet but very deep-flavored Cappuccino to the bittersweet classic Americano, there’s Expresso left to go, but I guess I’ll pause it here for now. I talked about Starbucks last time, that they might come to me for the “coffee for kids” idea, they were not here in Cambodia yet. But now they are, although they have not contact me yet, but I bet they are playing it safe and slow, the tactic works everytime, hhehehehe. 

P.S You will only understand the line above if you have read the first part of A Cup of Joe, if you have not read it yet, please go right away.

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