Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Am I confident about the Education System here? Part 2

Education, to me, means LIFE. Hehehe, it might be too early to start with the heavy topic rite away. But, it is true, so let’s start.

Education = LIFE

It is as simple as that. No twists or turns. If you follow the traffic lights, there will be no traffic.

What I mean by LIFE is everything one will be doing, having, owning, taking, or whatever verb+ing there is to describe everything we do in LIFE. LIFE is a long journey, it is an unpredictable timeframe (people say God decide when and where and how God wants or needs to end our timeframe), for us to do everything we want and need. That’s why most of us always say that we each have one LIFE, live happy and well.

BUT… That happiness and wellness does not come from messing everything in LIFE or do everything we want but not need, if we do so, then it shall be pronounce as a wrong thing. Now that’s when EDUCATION comes in the topic, education is one of very few sources of power we need in order to build and organize and manage the only and one LIFE we all have. Education does not just exist in books we learn from at school, what we learn at school is just one byte of the millions of megabytes of files we have to transfer to our brains in order to know how LIFE works and work with it. Education means knowledge too, and knowledge can be found everywhere, anytime, anyhow. When a newborn sees the parents, to know and to later recognize them, that’s pure knowledge.

This article was written with the same approach as the A Cup of Joe article. So that we’ll know what has changed these recent years. When I wrote the first part, to be very very honest, our education system was pretty bad and very loose. But it has changed a lot since then, after the retest of the 12th grade exam, everything has become normal. The questions I asked myself back then, I am be able to answer it by myself now.

Is it fair to have the Grade 12 Exam repeated only because the majority have failed?

It is never fair to do so, but we had no choice but to do it. The idea of doing so is bad, but idea of what are we doing it for is good. So I do agree with the government for making it happened.

What about the past years?
There have not been anything such as retesting that I’ve ever heard of, so it was my first experience. If we’re talking about whether it’s fair for the students who have taken the test the year before the test and the year after the test, then it could never have been fair. Why, you ask? because where are the second chances? If the students who took the re-test had a second chance, why not the ones before and the ones after?

Is it going to be the same next year and the year after?

The next year I was talking about was 2015, and there were no retest. As I said, everything has changed. The retest was held to indirectly give the students a second chance, but what actually was the intention was to flip the education system around, and to do so, the government could not afford anything else but to hold a retest and after that, start to strengthen and tighten the education system. We can’t really blame them for the fairness and the unfairness. They had no choice.

Has our Education system been this twisted?

It was badly twisted, but now, it has been niiicely twisted back to its normal form.

Many of those who passed their Grade 12 Exam earlier might have become teachers, Government Officials and employees in other services and companies. How would their productivity be?

Like I said, it will never be fair. We have to move on, and not live in the past. If we mind the past too much, who’s gonna care about the present or even the future? Which comes to the point that we have to think about what’s ahead, the past will stay past, what matters more is what’s in front. What’d you say? Let’s move forward, shall we?

I want to trust and have confidence in our Education System and believe that it is only going to become better. However, a part of me is very hesitant. Am I wrong?

I am not wrong, I was right about what I said and expected. I’m not worried about my further education anymore, I do trust and believe with my full heart.

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